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What are a father’s rights in Australia?

What are a father’s rights in Australia?

Separation and divorce are difficult and stressful times for people and it is not uncommon for one parent to want to try and limit, prevent or even deny access of their children to the other parent.  Even in cases where one can justify to themselves reasons to which they feel are valid, in most circumstances, denying access to children is not allowed in Australia.

This means that even if one parent refuses to pay family support, is not consistently reliable when it comes to collection and drop off times or if a parent is not consistent in their visitation, the other parent cannot deny access to visitation of a child.

As a general rule, it is important to note, that no parent; whether mother or father; is allowed to deny the other parent access to a child in Australia. And furthermore, it is just as important to remember that a child has a right to have access to both their parents.

Generally, the courts want a child to have access to both parents equally and unless there are other determining factors, will award custody to be shared between parents.

At Smart Legal Family Lawyers, we help fathers everyday who are seeking information around child custody and family law.  They often come to us suffering high levels of stress and anxiety because they believe or have been told they will no longer be able to play a significant role in their children’s lives.

It has long been a misconception that the court will award custody of the children to mum while dad gets every other weekend, but we are here to dispel this myth.  While every case is unique and there are always determining factors to be considered in the best interest of the child, it is important to remember that dads play an important and loving role in the raising of their children and in fact, may end up with custody in favour of the father.

Today, more than ever, we see fathers taking a more active, loving, and shaping role in the decision making and raising of their children.  Dad’s work lives are more flexible and allow for a more consistent presence in the lives of their children.  With research confirming that having an active and positive father presence in a child’s life helps to promote their social and emotional development, we understand the importance of ensuring that dads continue to play a significant role in the lives of their children.

If you are being denied access to your children, Smart Legal Family Lawyers can help.  Why not call our friendly team TODAY? Book in for a 1-hour FREE initial consultation to see how we can ensure you keep playing a key role in the raising of your children.

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